Here´s a collection of the flowers to decorate my bag
Maybe they are not perfect, but still good looking.
So after you make single flowers you can combine them!
And so you have a nice flower-combination with different kind of colors.
It´s a nice look also from the side.
Wanna know how to crochet flowers?
Take a hook of your choice and a yarn in 2 colors and start!!!
It´s much easier, then you think!
Large flower: crochet round 1 to 5.
Small flower: crochet round 1 to 3 only.
Crochet 4 ch and form a ring with a sl st.
Round 1: 1 ch, 6 dc in ring.
Round 2: * 1 dc in dc, 3 ch*, repeat from *-* a total of 6 times and finish with 1 sl st in first dc from beg of round = 6 ch-loops.
Round 3: 1 ch, and crochet as follows in each ch-loop: 1 dc,1 ch, 3 tr, 1 ch, 1 dc.
Finish small flower here.
Round 4: Turn piece, * 1 dc in dc from Round 1, 5 ch *, repeat from *-* a total of 6 times and finish with 1 sl st in first dc from beg of round = 6 ch-loops.
Round 5: 1 ch, and crochet as follows in each ch-loop: 1 dc,1 ch, 5 tr, 1 ch, 1 dc. Finish large flower here.